

  • 24 hour concierge
  • Indoor gym, pool
  • Close to public transits and shops
  • Heat/AC
Fees included Accommodation,gym, pool, high speed internet, gas/AC/hydro, laundry, furniture
Suitable groups Student over the age of 18 and are able to care of themselves

Student Dormitory

  • Public transits and shopping centres are within 10 min walk.
  • Separate or shared washrooms
Fees included Accommodation,gym, pool, high speed internet, gas/AC/hydro, laundry, furniture, cleaning, kitchen hardware
Suitable groups Student over the age of 18 and are able to care of themselves, know how to cook


  • Students will stay with teachers and/or dormitory coordinators
  • 24 hour oversight
  • New beddings for each student
  • Offering 3 meals a day, 7 days a week
  • Wake up calls, school pickup and drop off
  • High-speed internet
  • Weekly cleaning ( incl. bedrooms, washrooms, and carpet)
Fees included Accommodation,gym, pool, high speed internet, gas/AC/hydro, laundry, furniture
Suitable groups Students under the age of 18 and are unable to cook for themselves.

Residence Arrangement Assistance

For students who are 18 years old or those who are under 18 but receive permission from parents to live alone, we can also provide assistance in looking and screening for nice and safe house, condo, or apartment for rent upon request.